Saturday, December 18, 2010


God gives us His Word as seed to the sower.   When we give to God our understanding of His Word, He gives us back the spiritual reality of His Word, pressed down, shaken together, and running over (life abundant), even through men (See Luke 6:38).  For it is through that which we see that God shows us things unseen.

When we give God our loaves (that which we have made from the seed of His Word),  He multiplies it back to us, and,  through us, can feed multitudes.  When we give Him our fish (the souls for which we pray), He multiplies our catch (harvest), and there are more fish (men) by which He can feed many more.

Only He can tell us what to speak to each soul individually,  for only He knows each heart.

When we find that one Pearl of Great Price (The True Word), we will sell all that we have (our own understanding), and buy the field in which The Pearl was found, which is The Word by The Spirit.

He is The Key.  He is The Word.  He is The Spirit.  Only He is worthy to loose the seals, and to open the Book back to our understanding. See Rev. 5

What we think we know, is passing away.  Our rock (or word) is as chalkstone. It shall crumble; but, God's Word, which is Spirit shall spring forth.  At first, we shall debate with it (Is. 27:4):  but, by The Word of The Spirit, sin will be purged.  "Hear what The Spirit says to the churches." (Rev. 2:29)

We are a city set on a hill, and we are full of doctrines which we defend; but, "the defenced city shall be desolate." Is. 27:10

The Great Trumpet sounds, and that which is ready to fall will fall, as did the walls of Jericho; for, "Except The Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it." (Ps. 127:1).  When the last trumpet sounds, what God has built will be revealed, behind the walls that we have built with the stones of our carnal understanding of His Word.

As when Jacob wrestled with God, we shall wrestle. And, when He (The Truth) touches our thigh (foundation), it will become weak,  just as Jacob limped, when God touched his thigh. This is truly a blessing, for His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  And, when that when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be put away.

Christ, The Truth, shall appear, and on His thigh is written, "King of Kings and Lord of Lords." On this we shall stand: The Blessed/Revealed Word of God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is understandable Bree and true, however it is taking symbolism and making it more symbolic which I am not sure I understand why you want to do that. Never the less this blog illistrates your connection with God and your understanding of His Word. Lov Ya